Chewing, time, pranks and politicians

? My current advice: ‘Believe their actions, not their words.?
? Baseball is called both America’s pastime and America’s game. At the All Star game recently the lead off hitter was Japanese. What a country!
? With little else to do and time to do it, I decided to test my chewing time vs. ma’dog Shayna. I took eight chomps before I felt comfortable swallowing a piece of wiener. Shayna didn’t chomp at all, just swallowed. A piece of steak took me 14 chews. Shayna, four. What the heck is her hurry?
? Love it the way office holders in Washington, DC use time to pitch whatever they’re legislatin?.
‘This legislation will save billions of dollars over the next 35 years,? they may say.
They obligate future generations and administrations, and don’t bother to explain. What President Obama has said is, ‘Just follow the plans I have laid out.?
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? Take time to Work ? it is the Price of Success.
? Take time to Think ? it is the source of Power.
? Take time to Play ? it is the secret of Perpetual Youth.
? Take time to Read ? it is the Fountain of Wisdom.
? Take time to Worship ? it is the Highway to Reverence.
? Take time to be Friendly ? it is the road to Happiness.
? Take time to Laugh ? it is the Music of the Soul.
? Take time to Dream ? it is Hitching your wagon to a Star.
? Take time to Live.
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I believe I mentioned ‘Liz Tricks? before. Here are a few more of her (Elizabeth Baldwin’s) pranks.
? If they like premium beer, give them the cheapest beer you can buy.
? Put candy in a plastic bag inside an empty Epsom Salts box.
? Plan a white tie evening and take your guests to a White Castle in a limo.
? Give husband of ailing wife a recipe for chicken soup and a live chicken.
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It’s been several years since I first gave Jottings readers this quote of Jim Covert, former Supt. of Royal Oak Schools.
‘I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatsoever I can.
‘I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live.
‘I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle for me, it is a sort of splendid torch which I have hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations.?
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? Remember car coats?
First off, they weren’t CAR coats. They had bulky bottoms that ended at our bottoms. They bunched up when you sat down in a car, and were too short to be warm, and too long and bulky to flex. Why do we let some dippy designer sell us into stuff that gets rejected even at garage sales?
? One of my recent ex-friends said he was going to start a newspaper in opposition to me. He said, ‘I’m going to take the opposite position from you on whatever you write . . . just as soon as I figure out what the opposite side of a straddled fence is.?
? The reason Congress takes recesses is so members can go home to mend their fences before the voters give them the gate.
? The best description of a politician I ever heard is: He shakes your hand before election and our confidence afterwards.
? They all promise you pie in the sky, but we all know it’s our dough they plan on using.

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