Just Jottings About Goals

Wouldn’t it be great if the superintendent, excuse me, committee, would release statements that don’t leave voters questioning? like: ‘developmentally appropriate learning communities? as in goal 6.
That’s like, ‘Wow! Ain’t that somethin??
Did you try to read his, er, their, 11 goals?
Goal 1: To graduate students who are prepared for ever-changing world opportunities and who embody our core values evidenced by the following Oxford Student Profile/Exit Outcomes:
Maybe 10 percent read that much.
Goal 2: To maximize student achievement through a globally relevant curriculum that promotes excellence in academics, fine arts and athletics:
Another 10 percent.
Goal 3: To create a model global learning cummunity:
Goal 4: To create an organizational structure that supports meaningful, effective, and efficient changes in curriculum and changes in instructional practices:
Goal 5: To develop a seamless, research-based curriculum and instructional practices that will inspire and engage all students to achieve their maximum potential:
Right on, I guess.
Goal 6: (Ready?) To establish and maintain developmentally appropriate learning communities that meet the needs of all students:
Love it!
Goal 7: To create effective and authentic communication of student achievement:
Don’t forget transparency.
Goal 8: To have facilities of excellence, incorporating the elements of a secure, celebrated entrance that leads to evolving worlds of learning:
Don’t forget exits for we non-maximizers.
Goal 9: To attract and retain highly innovative, dynamic, dedicated, and skilled staff:
Better teachers came in ninth.
Goal 10: To create a school community that builds a foundation of selfless, global leaders where administrators serve teachers, teachers serve students, and students serve the world through academic, athletic, and artistic excellence:
Goal 11: To embrace the community while working together to achieve common goals and plan future endeavors.
Hug the superintendent, er committee.

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