County green info meeting, March 21

Oakland County planners will share first-phase results of their Green Infrastructure Vision plan at Independence Green, 1-2:30 p.m., Saturday, March 21, at Independence Oaks County Park.
Jim Keglovitz, senior planner for Oakland County, and Kristen Wiltfang, county GIS technician, will show how they identify natural areas as large “hubs” and smaller “sites,” all connect by “links.”
“Each community decides how to best use the information,” Wiltfang said. “There are many different ways to use it, such as to support grant opportunities, parks and recreation plans, and master plans. There’s not a right or wrong way to use the information, but it’s important to have the information.”
The maps they produce, at county, township, and larger scales, will help municipalities’ nature-stewardship efforts, Keglovitz said.
“They’ll help communities see how their plans connect to surrounding areas,” he said. “It will help when applying for federal grants or state Resource Trust Funds.”
Phase II includes work with communities on how to protect green infrastructure, such as through regulation and easements. Phase III includes finalizing goals, creating conservation ordinances and regulations, and tracking results.
Planners will present Phase I information in PowerPoint, then take questions at Wint Nature Center, Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road. Craft activities will be offered for children.
Registration is $2. Park entry fees are $7/vehicle for Oakland County residents, Call 248-625-6473.
? Phil Custodio

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