Ready, set, jump – from subject to subject

I started a conversation with a lady who was loading dog food into her car. She said she was on her way to Coldwater to pick up her new dog. She said it was being trained at a prison camp.
That struck me as being a pretty good idea, so I inquired about this activity at a couple pet spoiling (hair and nails) places.
A girls? prison in Ohio and boys? prison in Iowa were mentioned. There are probably more. It reminded me of the time our Irish Setter grabbed a purse from the shoulder of a girl-bound for school.
A friend saw the incident and, laughing loudly, asked me if I could train his dog to steal purses.
? If you hear of any movement to force tv stations to cease airing commercials involving bodily function protections, soothings or eliminations, let me know. I’ll help in the promotion. I know, I know, it’s a generational thing. My mother would slap me silly if she thought I would watch one of these bathroom conversation advertisements that air every 14 seconds.
? What? You want to know my generation? You figure it out. I was in the Navy in Okinawa three weeks before Japan’s surrender. I was home for the Korean and Vietnam wars. I experienced my first economic recession in business in 1958, and the ones in 1970, 1980 and 1990.
? As you can see we survived, as we will this recession, and we’ll come out stronger in some way. Bill Griffith, host of a CNBC financial show, may have given his audience the way out. As an aside to someone he asked, ‘Is this when we open our books and sing hymn number 147??
? We should make taillights different colors so gridlock would be more interesting.
? I had breakfast in bed. Two rolls and a turn over.
‘Always question people who brag about their honesty. Especially people who end a statement with, ‘Trust me!?
? How many times have you heard naysayers tell us they ‘know? automobile and oil companies have bought up every invention that would give cars a hundred miles to a gallon, that made lifetime tires and made damage-free car bodies.
If they weren’t naysayers, now is the time for the car and gas companies to bring forth their products.
? I eat fish of all kinds and cookings, except one. To put a battered up, deep fried filet between to pieces of bread, and have the gall try to sell it to the American public is disgusting.
? I was wondering the other day how our three kids came up with the names of their dogs. Son Jim’s hunting dog, ‘Ruger? was easy. Jim’s a gun hunter, and Ruger is a gun.
Luan’s got one of those ankle biters that she can cuddle and make over. Hers is ‘Samantha.?
Naming Susan’s dog was done more interestingly. Husband Tim picked their puppy up at a kennel the day the terrorists struck New York’s skyline. En route home Tim started singing to the dog, ‘And amber waves of grain.? Amber is both a variable color and the name of their dog.
? Am I good at delegating? You bet! I always find someone to blame.
? Nearly 50 percent of all bank robberies take place on Fridays.
? It’s not hard to find subjects to irritate a person these days. The Detroit mayoral race and City Council remarks prompted WJR’s Frank Beckmann to refer to the Council as S.O.S. (Stuck on Stupid).
I believe the same reference could be made of those who believe indebting the American taxpayers for decades to come, by freely giving, and believing, billions of dollars will be beneficial to our country.
Give the money directly to the people. They’ll put it to work.
? Jackrabbits got their name because their ears look like donkeys (jackasses.) This is not a political statement.

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