Cable talkers cover the News

Tables turned, reporters with The Clarkston News faced questions from two local television interviewers.
What happens if they draw a blank? Will they look foolish on camera?
‘We’d just reshoot it,? said Kayla Baker, one half of Clarkston Public Access Channel’s Paint the Town Red team. ‘We edit. That’s how we do this.?
Baker and Stacy Meagher, both of Independence Township, teamed up last year, debuting their first episode in October.
‘We’re starting to get recognized out there,? Meagher said. ‘We love it. We encourage everyone to say hi, even if we’re not looking that good right then.?
The two of them do everything, booking guests, producing, editing, publicity, as well as on-screen talent, all with no formal training.
‘We’re honing our craft,? Meagher said.
‘We’re having fun,” Baker said. ‘It’s going great. If it leads to something else, that’s just even better.?
Before teaming up, both tried to start a show on their own.
‘It was a challenge,? Meagher said. ‘You have no one to feed off. It was a struggle. Together, we clicked.?
‘I always thought it would be nice to do something like this,? Baker said. ‘You never know until you try.?
Thinking up a name for their new show, they wanted something fun. ‘Paint the Town Red? was a perfect fit.
‘We’re both redheads,? Meagher said.
It was originally going to be a show by women on issues important to women, she said.
“However, when we got started, we decided to open up different avenues to cover more about what goes on in Clarkston,” she said.
Baker, born and raised in Independence Township, graduating from Clarkston High School in 2002. She graduated from Central Michigan University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree.
Meagher, who grew up in Lansing and lives in Independence Township with her husband Jim Wohlscheid and son Tyler Meagher, is a marketing consultant with Image It All, based in DeWitt.
?(Paint the Town Red) is how I want to showcase myself to people,? she said.
They just finished their seventh, half-hour episode, visiting with Lisa’s Confections, Mill Pond Inn, Fountains, Lighthouse North, state Rep. Eileen Kowall, Makeover Place, and Marketti Academy.
‘We’ve met a lot of neat people,? Meagher said.
Paint the Town Red airs on Comcast channel 10 and 20, Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays, 11 a.m. and 10 p.m., and during the week as ‘filler,? Baker said.
The episode featuring the editorial staff of The Clarkston News will air in a few weeks.
For future episodes, they’re working on human-interest stories and features on local community groups, such as Moms and More.
‘We try to get a variety of things,? Meagher said.
They’re also working to post episodes on Youtube, she said.
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