Levering attends NYSP conference

Brittany Levering didn’t just spend the summer after her fifth grade year looking forward to middle school. She attended the National Young Scholars Program (NYSP) in DeKalb, IL.
Her Pine Tree Elementary fourth grade teacher, Francie Hofer, nominated Levering for the six-day event, from June 28-July 3.
According to Levering, she didn’t know anyone at the conference, but left having made friends from all over the country.
‘I really enjoyed meeting new people,? she said, adding she took part in a talent show with three other girls.
The NYSP conference concentrated on leadership skills, such as how to speak and be prepared for presentations, what type of skills to utilize and how to be critiqued.
Levering also got to choose a ‘leadership strand? to participate in, and she selected CSI (Crime Scene Investigations). Their group had to solve the crime of the ‘Missing Medallion? from a museum near Chicago, an activity that was actually based on a true story.?
They analyzed DNA, handwriting samples, pictures and many other clues in order to narrow down their suspect.
Levering said she hopes to utilize all of the new skills she learned at the conference and to keep in contact with all of her new friends.
She thanked Hofer for nominating her for the NYSP, as well as everyone who helped her raise money for her tuition to attend the event.

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