Boy bowlers defeat Walled Lake Northern

The Oxford Varsity boys bowling team won their second match 22-8 against Walled Lake Northern this past Saturday at Collier Lanes.
Helping win the match were two baker game victories. Junior Steven Lafnear and junior Brandon Burgess had seven strikes out of eight and the team scored 10 points.
In head up play, Burgess scored two wins with 197 and 203 games. Junior James Roberts also won two points with his games of 180 and 217. Senior Tyler Heichel scored a win with a 217 game.
Their record is now 3-4 in the Northern Lakes Conference.
The Varsity girls once again fell just short of a win 11-19, but bowled well.
After splitting the baker games, Oxford just couldn’t finish the deal with Walled Lake Northern.
Sophomore Kelly Cartner won two points for the team with two 176 games. Junior Ashlee High won with a 191 game.
The highlight of the match was when junior Dayna Rein won her first varsity point. The girl’s record is now 0-7.
The teams take on Waterford Kettering Sunday at 11 a.m. at 300 Bowl in Waterford.

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