Zardus gets jail time for Elite embezzlement

After months of court dates, financial hardships and even having to sell her gymnastics center, Jeni Ochoa, former owner of Elite Gymnastics in Oxford, is glad it’s all finally over.
Cheryl Ann Zardus, 40, of Ortonville, was sentenced Friday for embezzling $108,000 from Oxford’s Elite Gym Starz Parent Club.
Oakland County Circuit Judge Rudy Nichols ordered Zardus to serve 23 months to 10 years in prison. In November, she pleaded no contest to an embezzlement charge.
‘I have to work on forgiving her so I can move on,? Ochoa said. ‘Only time will heal the betrayal of trust.?
Zardus was treasurer of the competition fund at Elite Gymnastics in Oxford Township for six years.
According to police reports, the thefts began in 2005, when Zardus opened an account then immediately channeled funds into it from the parents? club account, accessing money by establishing a debit card. She also wrote checks to herself from the account, using the money to pay for her bills and for extras, including personal use at restaurants and retail stores.
Elite would’ve celebrated its 8th anniversary in Oxford this May, but a dwindling state economy and negative publicity coupled with Zardus leaving her ‘in financial chaos? forced Ochoa to close the gym’s doors on Dec. 22.
Another gymnastics center, Great Lakes Elite Gymnastics, took its place, and hired Ochoa as an employee.
Although she believes Zardus? sentencing was fair, Ochoa wishes she would’ve apologized to the people she hurt the most ? the students.
‘I’m glad she’s punished, but it’s horrible how this has affected her family and so many others, over greed and money,? she said.
Citizen staff writer Susan Bromley contributed to this story.

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