Want some more dough in your pocket?

Billions of federal budget dollars are distributed in the form of grants to local governments, businesses, and individuals. To help Orion-area agencies get their share, U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers and The Lake Orion Review invite local leaders to a Municipal Grant Workshop.
‘There’s been a lot of interest in the grant process in Michigan, given the economic climate,? said Sylvia Warner, Rogers? press secretary. ‘This is something that might be helpful to communities.?
Federal grants can help communities pay for development, technology, and infrastructure projects, Warner said.
‘Sometimes the toughest step in any process is the first one, and never is that more true than when you are looking for resources for our communities? needs,? Rogers said in his invitation letter to local municipalities.
‘That is why I am extending to you and your community or law enforcement agency an invitation to attend a Municipal Grant Workshop hosted by myself in conjunction with the community newspapers of Oakland County.?
The workshop will be 1-5 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 20, at Clarkston Junior High School, located at 6595 Waldon Road.
Community development experts with Michigan State University will present an overall summary of grant availability and application process. Attendees will then break into small groups with representatives of U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Transportation, and Veterans? Affairs. They will provide information and answer questions on available grants and ‘best practices? for successful applications.
Invited are all municipal units of government and law enforcement agencies in the Oakland and Livingston counties.
David Fleet, editor of The Citizen, the sister newspaper of The Review located in Ortonville, suggested the workshop in conversation earlier this year with Rogers and Warner.
‘That was the spark that caused this to be put together,? Warner said. ‘It emphasized in our minds what was needed.?
‘Our communities have many needs from sewer systems to growth issues to traffic congestion,? Fleet said. ‘It’s imperative that local municipalities are up to date on grant writing and the assistance available in Washington.?
Rogers set up a grant workshop for fire departments several years ago, but this is the first municipal-grant workshop organized by Rogers and Sherman Publications.
‘The workshop for fire departments was very successful,? Warner said. ‘We’ll repeat it later, possibly after the first of the year.?
The Nov. 20 workshop could also be repeated, she said.
‘We’ll see how things go,? she said. ‘We would move it to another part of the district, but it would still be open to everyone.?
Those interested should RSVP by 5 p.m. on Friday (Nov. 16), with Lisa Major in Rogers? Lansing office. Major can be reached at (877)333-6453 or by e-mailing lisa.major@mail.house.gov. Reservations may also be faxed to (517)702-8642. Indicate names and number attending, and give a phone number or e-mail address.

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