Hot enough to fry a … hot dog?

Although it only reached about 73 degrees on Wednesday, there was just enough sun to let students at Clear Lake Elementary put their latest invention to the test.
The students created a solar convection oven as a part of their Solar Day event, which taught them how humans can harness the sun’s power and put it to good use.
After tie-dying T-shirts with organic dyes, students created their solar convection ovens using a plastic two-liter pop bottle, aluminum foil and black construction paper.
Clear Lake teacher Lynae Farmer explained that the black paper absorbs the sun’s heat, creating a convection current. The current is reflected around the foil, which allows a hot dog to be evenly heated. It takes about a half an hour to fully heated.
‘If they forget, sometimes they actually burn them,? Farmer said. Of course, catsup and barbeque sauce were on hand for the yummy afternoon snack.

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