Young authors shine at Lakeville

Students at Lakeville Elementary beamed with pride as they read their poems, narratives, and even letters to their future grandchildren at the school’s Author Day June 6.
‘It’s just a day to celebrate,? said Colleen Kazor, reading specialist at Lakeville. ‘They’re just awesome writers.?
Throughout the entire year, students at the school have been compilng their writing and spent last Wednesday reading them aloud to the class and their families.
Third-graders got to choose a personal narrative from their portfolio, use pictures from throughout the year and create a DVD slideshow to take home.
Kazor said the Author Day was based on a quote from writing guru, Lucy Calkins, which says ‘children deserve to write knowing that their final pieces of writing … stand a good chance of being read by readers. They will feel as if the work they are doing is real, credible and substantial.?

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