Bow to your Master!

After 28 years of competing in and teaching karate, Jeff Bryant finally obtained the prestigious title of Master in the Okinawan style of karate called IsshinRyu.
Bryant, owner of Bryant’s Karate Studio in downtown Oxford, was promoted to his 6th degree black belt at a tournament on May 19, which changes his title from Sensei to Master.
‘It was a shock because I didn’t know it was happening,? he said.
Even though obtaining his earlier degrees of black belts required harsh physical and mental tests, the requirements for a promotion to the 6th degree relied heavily on how many followers, or ‘family? Bryant has.
‘They’re looking for people that have an organization, great people skills and someone who promotes karate in a good way,? he said.
Bryant, 42, has taught the art of IsshinRyu karate in Oxford for seven years and has seen eight of his students become active black belts, some of which help him instruct his current students.
In IsshinRyu karate, students start with a white belt and work their way up a ‘color ladder? to a black belt.
‘Once you receive your black belt, it’s kind of like you graduated high school and you’re going to college,? Bryant explained. ‘As a black belt, though, you’re still a beginner.?
The Oxford resident received his first black belt in 1987, and has since been named the Black Belt Sparring Champion (1995) for the Michigan Karate Circuit and the Heavy Weight Sparring Champion (1996) for the International Karate Circuit and was named the Grand Champion in Breaking in 2005 after breaking 10 one-inch-thick bricks with his head.
He was also elected the vice president of the United Okinawan Budo Association in 2005.
Bryant attributes his recent promotion to being constantly active in tournaments, teaching and networking with other karate schools.
‘Even when I was a green and brown belt my goal was to be one of the highest ranking people in Michigan in taking the art to the next level,? he said. ‘I thought I would be 67-years-old and now it’s happening in my 40s. I’m actually reaching a lot of my goals a lot sooner than I thought.?
Bryant’s future goals in the world of karate are to eventually become the head of the United Okinawan Budo Association, but for now, he plans to continue promoting the style of IsshinRyu with the residents of Oxford.

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