District moves forward with facility rental fees

A policy allowing the district to begin charging fees for use of classrooms, athletic stadiums and auditoriums after regular school hours was approved by the Oxford Board of Education May 22.
The policy passed 4-2. Treasurer Doug Myer and Trustee Major Murray both dissented, and President Colleen Schultz was absent from the meeting.
Although the exact rental fees have yet to be established, Assistant Superintendent Nancy Kammer said Interim Superintendent Ron Franey will discuss fee amounts with a sub-committee and school board members and will finalize the numbers within the next few weeks.
‘The fees are kind of to take care of the cost involved with providing the facilities,? Kammer said.
It’s important to note the school board does not vote on the amount that will be charged because rates are subject to change without notice.
The facility rental policy establishes the regulations for using the facilities, how to pay for the rentals, the responsibility of the users and liability and insurance.
It also classifies who constitutes a user.
For example, those who are exempt from the fees include school clubs, voting precincts, PTO gatherings, Booster clubs and athletic teams.
However, they are responsible for personnel fees, like a custodian, if they use the facilities after hours, weekends or on holidays.
The second classification is for those who will receive a 50 percent discount on the facility rentals, which includes non-profit organizations like scout groups, churches, recreational programs and charitable organizations. The discounted rates are not applicable for use of the auditorium, equipment rental or auditorium equipment.
The rental policy states that the third group of users are individuals or groups who will be required to pay all of the fees ‘unless a signed alternative agreement is on file with Oxford Community Schools.?
Those wishing to schedule use of a certain facility can do so through the district’s website (www.oxford.k12.mi.us – in the employee section).

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