OHS grad awarded Bronze Star

Master Chief Gary Mason, a 1976 graduate of Oxford High School, was awarded the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service May 30 during a ceremony at the Naval Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut.
The Bronze Star is the fourth highest individual award for combat and is given to service members of all branches of the military for combat heroism or meritorious service.
Mason, 49, is an aviation ordinanceman assigned to the Navy Region Mid Atlantic Northeast Section at the base in New London.
From January to September 2006, Mason served in Iraq as the Command Sergeant Major for the Joint Task Force 134, which handled detainee operations. He was in charge of 4,800 troops and worked under Major General John D. Gardner.
During his time in Iraq, Mason traveled more than 12,000 miles through dangerous and hostile areas during convoy missions, security patrols and detainee transfer missions.
He also led morale, welfare and recreation efforts in coordinating United Services Organization tours to several remote units.
Being on the ground instead of on a ship was ‘totally different? for Mason.
‘It was great to serve with them,? he said. ‘They do such a great job.?
Mason joined the U.S. Navy in 1980 and has been on squadron support ships in Lebanon, Kosovo and Iraq.
Although he’s privileged to receive such an award as the Bronze Star, Mason said those who are still serving in Iraq truly deserve the medal.
Mason said he would like to thank his friends and family in the Oxford area (his parents live in Lakeville) who’ve kept him in their prayers and in contact with him.
‘Thank you for your support and what you do for all the troops,? he said.
Mason said he has ‘a few more years? left in the service, and whether he will have to go back to Iraq or not is in someone else’s hands.
‘If they asked, I would go,? he said. ‘But it’s not something you plan on.?
Mason and his wife, Christine Halligan, reside in Middlefield, CT. He has two daughters, one of which is a staff sergeant in the Air Force, and three step-children.

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