Oxford Schools could lose $540K in state funding

Gov. Jennifer Granholm announced Monday that state aid will be cut to Michigan school districts by $125 per pupil effective June 1, unless the state Legislature agrees to a tax increase or finds an alternative plan.
Granholm said the cuts are necessary because new revenue reports show the state is facing a $198 million shortfall in their School Aid Fund.
With the Oxford School Board already working hard to find a new superintendent, this is just one more obstacle they’ll have to face with only two months left in the school year.
‘This stuff is thrown at you at the last minute,? said Interim Superintendent Ron Franey ‘We don’t know for sure what the heck they’re doing. It’s scary.?
According to Franey, Oxford receives $7,334 per student from the state for it’s 4,300 students.
He said Oxford would lose about $540,000 from the cut. Rough drafts of the 2007-08 budget already project a shortfall of $1.6 million.
Unfortunately, that means cuts will be made to certain areas, though Franey won’t say where until the school board has the chance to discuss the issue.
‘There’s a lot of things we’re looking at,? he said.

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