Mother, daughter win crowns

Elizabeth McGhee has homeschooled nine children, flies airplanes, is active in the Oakland County 4-H Club and runs the North Oakland Veterinary clinic in Oxford with her husband, Chuck ? yet she still has time to compete in a beauty pageant.
Last month, Elizabeth and her daughter Catherine, 13, competed in the Michigan Galaxy Pageant at Lake Fenton High School, where she was named 1st Runner Up for Mrs. Michigan Galaxy and Catherine was named Junior Miss Michigan Galaxy.
Emphasizing beauty, style and cultural appreciation, the Galaxy pageant is ‘a personal development opportunity for all women,? according to their website.
The pageant covers anyone from age 12 and up. Winners are chosen from each pre-teen, Junior Miss, Miss Teen, Miss, Ms. and Mrs. categories.
Entering a pageant like this has been a dream of Catherine’s, who hopes to one day participate in the Miss America Pageant to gain scholarships for nursing school.
‘It’s not about being the most beautiful girl,? she said. ‘It’s about inner beauty. I just love being on stage.?
Elizabeth, on the other hand, did it to fulfill a promise she made to some of her children.
‘I said the year I turn 50 I’ll enter a pageant. Well, that’s this year,? she said.
The mother-daughter team also thought it would be fun to be back stage together, helping with each other’s make-up and hair and all of the ‘craziness? that goes on behind the scenes.
‘Some (contestants) try to play this mindgame on you,? Catherine said. ‘But that didn’t work for us.?
Going into the pageant, the McGhees both decided it was best to just be themselves and have fun, and not try to be something they’re not.
‘There are some pageant consultants who make you into a mold,? Elizabeth said. ‘If I can’t be myself, what am I doing here??
At the pageant, the McGhees were both judged on their photos, fashion wear, evening wear, swimsuits (except for the teen categories), and an interview that was conducted prior to the competition.
Catherine’s favorite interview question was when they asked her what her favorite animal was. Being the 4-H Poultry Princess, she of course said the silkie chicken.
‘It’s because they’re an average chicken, but they look different,? she said.
Unlike some other pageants, the Michigan Galaxy Pageant doesn’t require its contestants to perform a talent, which was a relief for Elizabeth.
‘What am I supposed to do? Spay a cat in under three minutes?? she joked.
When Catherine was named Junior Miss Michigan Galaxy at the end of the pageant, she said she was ‘really happy and excited.?
‘And then I was like, ‘my mom has to win,?? she said.
Sure enough, Elizabeth was named 1st Runner Up for Mrs. Michigan Galaxy. She also was given the Spirit Award and the Mrs. Congeniality Award.
Now, the duo will head down to Orlando, Florida in July for the Galaxy National Competition, where Catherine will compete and Elizabeth will serve as a delegate for the pageant as Mrs. Great Lakes.
The McGhees said they would encourage any young girls and women to enter pageants.
‘You can get a lot of personal development, whether it’s communicating or disciplining yourself,? Elizabeth said.

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