Addison meeting room to double as exercise space for seniors

The Addison Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday night to allow a senior exercise group to use its meeting room for their weekly program.
The group needed another space other than the Addison Senior Center room, located in the township complex on Rochester Rd., for their class due to a scheduling conflict with a woodcarving class.
The class, called God Integrated Fitness Training (GIFT), meets every Thursday, from 9-10 a.m. and is headed by certified personal trainer Teresa Nelson, of Oxford.
Every GIFT class starts with Nelson giving health and fitness tips, followed by a warm-up, 25 minutes of core, balance and strength training, then a 10-minute cool down and stretch.
Classes are done to Contemporary Christian music and followed by a five-minute meditation or prayer period.
Nelson organized the GIFT class at Oxford United Methodist Church. She wants to expand them to other areas in the community.
The charge for the class is only $1 per person.
Sharon Geare, hostess for the Addison Senior Center, said a little more than 12 seniors are already participating and they could fit as many as 40 into the meeting room space.
The GIFT class at the Addison Township Senior Center will start again on Thursday, April 26.
Call (248) 628-3388 to sign up.

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