Wax museum comes to life

Usually, it’s hard to get kids to sit still for even one minute.
But at Leonard Elementary last Wednesday, the fourth-graders in Michelle Pinelli, Elizabeth Delano and Suzanne Rosevelt Osborne’s classes could’ve been mistaken for real wax statues at their second annual Wax Museum.
Dressed in creative, and historically accurate, costumes, the students held perfectly still until a passerby tapped their shoulder. Instantly, they would come to life.
The explorers, scientists, princesses and authors would give listeners a speech about their biographies, fun facts and important events in their life.
Some important historical figures who graced the Leonard gymnasium were Davy Crockett, Charles Darwin, Princess Diana, Walt Disney, Sacagawea, Neil Armstrong, Muhammad Ali, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Harry Houdini, Maya Angelou, Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jackie Robinson and Henry Ford.
Teacher Elizabeth Delano said part of their curriculum for the fourth grade is to learn how to research and write biographies, and that the wax museum was the culmination of the entire research project.

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