Reeeaching for victory

As the old saying goes, hard work really does pay off.
Just ask the students at Oxford Middle School, as they got to spend Thursday at the first annual Reward Assembly.
After achieving improved results on the fall 2006 MEAP scores, some teachers thought it would be nice to have an assembly designed to reward and motivate students for continued success in their academic endeavors, as well as increase school spirit.
Inflatable games, like a bull riding machine, bungee run and obstacle course were some of the events the different grade levels competed in.
Winners from each grade level were:
Sixth Grade:
? Obstacle Course ? Team Dolsen: Brooke Kovacic, Emma Richmond, Marty Giannola, Noah Brooks
? Slide Relay ? Team Cisneros: Montana Sampson, Miranda Murphy, Kyle Gaines, Ashley Burr
? Bungee Run ? Vince Griffith
? Bull Riding ? Alayna Denolf
Seventh Grade:
? Obstacle Course ? Team Keenist: Matt Zitney, Kyle Hill, Keegan Brook, Riley McIntosh
? Slide Relay ? Team Brown: Noah Cantera, Derek Adams, Taylor Keller, Sarah Hillebrand
? Bungee Run ? Ryan Reason
? Bull Riding ? Hunter Skikiewicz
Eighth Grade:
? Obstacle Course ? Team Tootalian: Patric Hanson, Sierra Schweig, Jamie Knapp, Christian Sanchez
? Slide Relay ? Team Roop: Brent Womble, Kyle Shick, Sarah Stroope, Paige Felisky
? Bungee Run ? Cody Parker
? Bull Riding ? Jimmy Walker
After the students participated in the games, they enjoyed watching sumo wrestling matches between their teachers and administrators.

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