Oakland County Sheriff’s dept. to handle prosecution costs

Instead of them paying for the cost of prosecution tickets, Addison Township officials are in the process of trying to pass a resolution handing the payment over to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department.
At a Board of Trustee’s special meeting on March 12 Supervisor Bob Koski said the township has been paying for the prosecution costs on whatever tickets the sheriff’s deputies issue to residents out of the township’s General Fund ? even though the sheriff’s department receives the revenue from the tickets.
For the 2007-08 fiscal year, the sheriff’s department is estimating at least $20,000 in ticket prosecution costs out of their $942,789 in expenditures.
Koski said the township has a ‘verbal agreement? from their auditors and legal to move forward with the resolution, which, if passed, would take effect April 1.
The township is waiting for their auditors and legal to review the resolution is writing before making a motion on the change.

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