Chicks, bunnies coming to Johnston Photo

Big hats and lacy gloves are no longer a nessecity for the traditional Easter portrait.
At Johnston Photography, located at 8 N. Washington St. in downtown Oxford, they’ve taken a more natural approach.
From March 13-24, kiddies can get their portrait taken with cute and fuzzy baby chicks, or bunnies on March 22-23.
Dorothy Johnston, owner of the photography studio, said the chicks and bunnies debuted last year and were ‘extremely popular.?
‘There were no casualties with the chicks,? she joked. ‘No one got squooshed.?
Johnston said she mail orders the baby chicks from the west side of the state. After the portraits are finished, she gives them to a local farm off of Coats Rd., where they will become egg laying chickens.
The bunnies are borrowed from a local resident.
With a sitting fee of only $20.07, parents can choose their spring packages from a variety of poses. The special spring packages start at $62 with many options available.
Call Johnston Photography at (248) 628-6391 to schedule an appointment.

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