Swimmers compete at Jr. Olympics, state meet

Congratulations to three Oxford swimmers on the Lake Orion Liquid Lightning Competitive Swim Team for their achievements at the Michigan Junior Olympics and the Michigan 12 and Under State Championships this month.
Courtney McClear, 11, Cheyne Stresky, 10, and Haley Kornburger, 10 all qualified to attend the Junior Olympics held at Holt High School March 2-4.
At the Junior Olympics, Stresky, who’s a fourth-grader at Lakeville Elementary, placed fourth in the 500-yard freestyle, which he received a medal for.
Kornburger, who’s a fifth-grader at Clear Lake Elementary, swam the 50 and 100-yard freestyle and the 50-yard breaststroke, for which she also received a medal for her third place finish.
Both Stresky and Kornburger qualified for the state championships based on their performance at the olympics.
McClear, a sixth-grader at Oxford Middle School, did a great job in the 200-yard breaststroke, which she finished in 38th place.
The state championships took place this past weekend at Jenison High School, where hundreds of swimmers 12-years-old and under competed.
Although Kornburger didn’t receive any medals for her 36th place in the 100-yard backstroke, she conquered a personal best by dropping her 50-yard breaststroke time from 41:80 to 41:60.
This was her second time competing at the state level, and attributes her success to her team coaches, Phil Hoffmeyer and Susan Roesch.
‘I was very excited that I could be representing the Lake Orion Liquid Lightning team,? she said. ‘I just went out there and tried my hardest.?
Stresky was able to place 8th in the 200-yard freestyle relay, 4th in the medley relay and placed 31st in the 500-yard freestyle.
‘That was amazing? he said.
Great job kids!

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