Exercise class gives seniors motivation to move

There’s nothing more intimidating than going to workout at the gym.
As you look down a line of treadmills, good-looking young men and women wearing tight-fitting spandex and yes, even make-up, burn their calories, even if they don’t need to.
That’s why Oxford resident Teresa Nelson decided to start her own senior citizen exercise group in a more non-threatening environment.
Nelson’s God Integrated Fitness Training (GIFT) class meets every Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Oxford United Methodist Church on E. Burdick St.
Nelson, who is a certified personal trainer from her home and at Inside Out Fitness, first got the idea for the class six months ago. Her motivation strengthened after the proposal for a senior center failed in November.
‘I’m here to inspire people towards fitness,? she said. ‘That’s my job. That’s my goal in life.?
Nelson said her mission is to help people understand that our bodies were given to us as a gift from God, and that God wants us to feed our bodies by eating nutritious foods, exercising and ‘feeding our spirit to keep us one with Him.?
Every GIFT class starts with Nelson giving health and fitness tips, followed by a warm-up, 25 minutes of core, balance and strength training, then a 10 minute cool down and stretch.
What is unique and different from other group exercise classes is that the workout is done to Contemporary Christian pop music. Each session is also followed with a five minute meditation, or prayer period.
‘I just like it all,? said Lake Orion resident Lori Rippel. ‘It’s spirit, mind and body.?
According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), one in three over the age of 65 are completely inactive.
GIFT will help strengthen their major muscle groups safely to prevent any injuries that are prevalent in the older generation. Balance is also a key element during Nelson’s class.
Oxford residents Barry and Deanna Moser both started attending the class in January and love the program. ‘We need exercise (because) we’re both trying to get in shape,? Barry said. ?(Teresa) does a great job.?
GIFT is open to the public and you don’t have to be a senior citizen either. Right now, Nelson said the age range in her class goes from 38 to the early 80s.
To get more information about joining GIFT, please call Teresa Nelson at (248) 628-9826.

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