If I were elected president…

Third-graders in Chris Williams? class at Oxford Elementary thought long and hard last week about what they’d do if they were President of the United States.
Their ‘If I were elected president…? project was inspired by a weekly news magazine the class receives called ‘TIME For Kids.?
Here’s what the future leaders of our country would do if they were in the Oval Office.
If I were elected president …

I would give the poor TVs, DVDs and video games. ? Chris Desrochers

I would be careful of who I made friends with. ? Niki Bonino

I’d travel all around the world to give speeches. ? Hannah Yoo

I would make all the principals let kids bring their pets to school whenever they want to.? Paige Barrett
I would invent things that don’t use gas to save America. ? Quinn Kimball

I’d send soldiers to any war and try to stop it.? Jeff Denninger

I would send sweatshirts to the soldiers overseas so they would stay warm at night. ? Olivia Richards

As President, I would ask the car companies to create new forms of fuel that are more friendly to the environment. ? William Quackenbush
I would make every restaurant have ice cream. ? Emileigh Meyer
I would make it a drug-free country. ? Peter Economou

I would say there would be no more floods. ? Dalton Methner

I would be nice. ? Jack Mobley

I would make more jobs so people would make more money to take care of their self and their families. ? Rebekah Krol
I would meet and shake hands with the poor to know about them. ? Jade Vokes

I would lower the taxes so people wouldn’t have to pay that much.? Madison Ingalls

I would care for hurt kids and grownups. ? Allie Wade

I would give everyone toys. ? Devin Graves

I would like to help the United States by taking some troops from Iraq so they can rest. ? David Burns

I would donate money to Africa to help build a new school so kids could learn new things. ? Rosalind Schassburger

I would stop the gas prices from going up. ? Tyler McDaniel

I would try to look for ships in the Great Lakes or in oceans. Then I would put them in a historical musem. ? Shelby Mabry

I would tell people to be nice. I would tell them to be kind to everybody. ? Jared Dymond

I would make school longer. Kids could learn a lot more. ? Jada Jackson

I would have a week to help clean up the U.S.A.! You would only have to help clean your own state. ? Sondra Deloy

I would buy a car. I would buy 5,000 chocolate bars and I would buy the White House. ? Jacob Washington

I would make more school supplies. ? Amber Henderson

I would make sure children get an education. Education is very important! If you don’t get education, you won’t get a good job. I think EVERYONE should go to school! ? Jenna Sewell

I would put an end to global warming. ? Aaron Marracco

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