Bowlers? weekend defeat drops team league standings

Although the Oxford varsity bowling teams had shinning moments at their Oakland County Tournament last weekend, it didn’t last long at their Sunday match against Walled Lake Western.
Western defeated the boys team 27-3, even though Coach J.R. Lafnear said Oxford bowlers showed some nice performances. Alex McKeown bowled games of 218 and 175 and was the high scorer on the team.
The only other bowlers to notch a victory was the league leader, senior Brendan Wheeler, with games of 173 and 183 and A.J. Mclarty with a 213 game. ‘This leaves us in a must win situation versus Clarkston this week,? Lafnear said.
The varsity girls team seemed ready to win their first game of the season against Western, but were defeated 28-12. Senior Amanda Tucker and a 189 game, Ashlee High had 137 and sophomore Liz Laframboise scored a 157 game.
The only match the girls won was in the second game when Tucker scored a 180, giving her a team high 369 series. The teams take on Clarkston at 300 Bowl in Waterford on Sunday, at 11 a.m.

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