Ski team burns up the Holly slopes

By Casey Curtis
Leader Staff Writer
It’s a good thing Mother Nature decided to pump out some snow last week so the Oxford-Brandon Varsity ski team could show how their rollerblading skills have paid off.
At the request of coach Ed Haley, the team has been practicing on rollerblades due to the lack of snow, but it looks like those skates will be put away ’till spring.
The boys team had its first victory of the season against Flint Powers in the slalom and giant slalom at Mt. Holly on Jan. 17 and 18.
Oxford beat Powers 15-21 in the slalom events. First place went to Brandon’s Casey Drayton (1:01.23), third place went to Oxford sophomore captain Anthony Sottile (1:03.98), fifth place went to Oxford freshman Alex Piette (1:11.21) and sixth place to Brandon’s Trevor DeLandsheer (1:12.23).
In the giant slalom event, Oxford beat Powers 11-28. First place went to DeLandsheer (:46.38), second place to Sottile (:46.43), third place to Drayton (:46.82), fourth place to Piette (:47.32) and fifth place to Oxford freshman Devon Clark (:47.37).
The girls team, on the other hand, were no match against Flint Powers and lost 13-30 and 14-23, respectively. In the slalom, Oxford sophomore Caroline Kerbelis placed second (1:15.01), Brandon’s Danielle Hine placed fourth (:53.05), Oxford’s sophmore captain, Olivia Tyler, placed seventh (1:00.48) and Brandon’s Stephanie Dietz placed ninth (1:22.50).
The team travels to Fenton Jan. 24 for a 4:15 race.

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