New county commissioner addresses Oxford chamber

He’s only been in office for 10 weeks, but the County Commissioner for District #1, Brad Jacobsen, said there’s already been some commissioners trying to start the new year off right by impressing their fellow colleagues.
‘There’s some grandstanding going on already, but I love every minute of it,? he told members of the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce Thursday.
Jacobsen, of Oxford, made it a point to be at the chamber’s first meeting of the year, which took place at Oxford Hills Golf & Country Club, so he could update the community on how his first term is going.
A lifelong resident of Oxford, Jacobsen told chamber members about growing up in Oxford, attending Michigan State and how he ended up working, and eventually becoming the President of Jacobsen’s Flowers & Garden Town in Lake Orion.
He also talked about his 16 years as a trustee for Oxford Township (1984-2000) and how it was a ‘wonderful experience.?
‘I’m enjoying what I’m doing now, but it is certainly a different situation being at the county level than being at the township,? he said.
Being at the township level, Jacobsen said he was ‘exposed to every aspect that goes on in the community,? whereas at the county-level, their work doesn’t affect citizens daily.
‘So much of what we do at the county is sort of in the big picture that doesn’t affect people on a day-to -day basis,? he said.
Another difference Jacobsen has noticed is that as a township trustee he had to do all of his ‘homework.?
‘Although you’ve got your attorneys to help you, it’s really you and your (board) members who really develop everything,? he said.
Although there are 13 Republican commissioners and 12 Democrats, Jacobsen said party lines don’t get in the way of making good friends. ?(There are) nice people on both sides of the aisle,? he said.
Besides his regular duties of establishing county policies, adopting ordinances and working on the county budget, Jacobsen also serves on the county’s General Government, Personnel, and Planning and Building committees. Every other week, he attends three meetings just for those committees.
‘It’s been a real learning experience thusfar getting my feet wet in all the different committees and such that are involved,? he told the crowd.
Although Jacobsen has a busy schedule, he wants the community to make sure they keep in touch, which is one thing he misses most about serving as a township trustee.
‘You don’t get people coming to the meetings. You get very little feedback from the public,? he said. ‘Don’t hesitate to call me. I love hearing from you.?
You can reach Jacobsen at Phone: (248) 858-0100 (County); (248) 628-0759 (home); Fax: 248-693-8078 (County) or E-mail:

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