Trail council adopts lower budget

The Polly Ann Trailways Management Council voted unanimously at their meeting last Wednesday to adopt a revised budget of $35,000 for their 2006-07 fiscal year.
The revised budget is $7,000 less than what was first calculated and will lower the amounts owed by each community significantly.
Under the proposed funding formula, each of the five communities would pay the PATMC based on a 50/50 split between its population and the number of trail miles within its boundaries.
Orion Township would now contribute $13,858 instead of $16,887, Oxford Township would contribute $9,479 instead of $11,551, Oxford Village would contribute $2,113.68 instead of $2,576, Addison Township would contribute (if their board decides to rejoin the council) $7,893 instead of $9,619, and the Village of Leonard would contribute $1,655 instead of $2,017.
Trail Manager Amy Murray said the expenditures in the revised budget have remained ‘about the same? as the original.
Although they haven’t officially re-joined the PATMC, Addison Township Supervisor Bob Koski and Trustee Ed Brakefield attended the meeting as representatives to the township, though they abstained from any of the voting.
Koski told the council he would bring back proposed dues of $7,893 to his township board for approval at a later meeting.

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