Appraiser approved
Council voted 5-1 to approve the $2,750 proposal from the Birmingham-based Holmes & Layton, Inc. to conduct an appraisal of the old township offices at 18 W. Burdick Street along with the parking lot that goes with it.
The village manager was directed to sign the appraisal contract subject to final review by the village attorney and inspection by the village building inspector.
Enviro consultant stays
Council voted unanimously to approve an environmental services contract with consultant William T. Carlson for three years at $54,000 per year.
Carlson’s current three-year contract with the village expires Dec. 31.
DPW Superintendent Don Brantley spoke highly of Carlson, who’s based in Colorado, and his experiences dealing with his firm. After reviewing the other three proposals to provide environmental services and consulting, Brantley expressed concern over possible hidden fees.
Carlson’s new $162,000 contract, which represents no increases over the old one, includes everything, even lab work.
Parks & Rec. gets new lease
Council unanimously approved a five-year, $1,000 per month lease agreement with the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department for the 2,500-square-foot space at 20 W. Burdick Street (known as the old library).
Under the existing lease, which expires Jan. 1, 2007, park and rec. paid $400 a month plus utilities and maintenance. With everything included, the total cost worked out to an average of nearly $1,000 per month.
Parks Director Ron Davis informed council of his desire to have all costs included in one monthly fee.
Hot Blues shares the wealth
Crossroads for Youth and the Detroit Blues Society will each receive a $500 donation from the village.
Council voted unanimously to contribute $1,000 of the $3,800 in net profits generated by this year’s Hot Blues & BBQ festival to these organizations.
Liquor license recommended
A license to sell packaged liquor (distilled spirits) at Art & Dick’s Party Store was unanimously recommended for approval by council.
Made by Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, which has the final say.
A license to sell beer and wine is already in use at the party store located at 81 W. Burdick Street.
50/50 trail formula OKed
A proposed change in the funding formula for the Polly Ann Trail Management Council was unanimously approved by council.
Under the new formula, each community’s contribution would be based on a 50/50 split between its population and the total number of trail miles within its boundaries.
If approved by all the trail members, Oxford Village would pay a total of $2,576 or $3,414 (depending on whether Addison’s in or out) to help support the trail council’s proposed 2006-07 budget of $42,650.
Well house bid awarded
Peerless-Midwest was awarded a $174,024 bid to build a well house and install a pump inside it for the village water system’s fifth well drilled by the same company earlier this year. Council last week voted 3-2 to approve the Indiana-based company’s proposal based on village Manager Joe Young’s recommendation.
‘Peerless-Midwest has provided past well houses for the village and is more than familiar with the village’s water pumping system,? Young wrote in a memo to council.
The Oxford-based Valley Building and Repair will be used by Peerless-Midwest to construct the 384-square-foot well house out of decorative concrete block at a cost of $43,010 (included in the bid price).