Leonard students learn their democratic values

Fourth and fifth graders in Suzanne Rosevelt Osborne’s class at Leonard Elementary are learning their values. Their core democratic values, that is.
Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of American society which unite all Americans.
Each student in Osborne’s class chose their favorite core democratic value and created a poster to illustrate the value.
Out of her whole class, Osborne chose three students from each grade whose poster was Most Educational, Most Persuasive and Most Creative.
Fourth grader Marshall Kaer and fifth grader Sammy Pastewski won the Most Educational award.
Kaer chose ‘patriotism? as his favorite democratic value because it ‘helps people and it helps our country.?
Fourth grader Scott Randall and fifth grader Audrey Seely won Most Persuasive.
Randall chose ‘popular sovereignty? as his core value because we need to be part of choosing our leaders.
‘We vote for our leaders and other countries don’t, and we get that right,? he said.
Fourth grader Abi Hornung and fifth grader Rachel Grzanka’s posters won Most Creative.
Hornung said she picked the ‘diversity? value because ‘everybody should be treated equally.?

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