City calls for speed study

Traffic north of downtown Clarkston is too fast – slowing it down may be difficult, even for the city.
The Clarkston City council voted unanimously to request a traffic study by the Michigan Department of Transpotation. The study would address traffic speed on M-15 from Robinson Court to the northern city limits, mostly the area where Clarkston Road comes in from the east. The speed limit there is 40 mph. The council would like to lower it to 30 mph.
‘The study may find that the speed limit should be lowered,? said Police Chief Ernest Combs to the council.
The power to set speed limits need to be updated, Johnston said.
‘The ordinances we have right now are really ineffective,? he said. ‘We’re a small village, a great little village. We need to address this. We don’t want a big wide road through here.?
Three ordinances Johnston cited took effect in 1915. They regulate tree growth along roadways, and prohibit obstruction of roads and sidewalks, and bicycle riding on sidewalks. Another ordinance prohibits parking on lawns or unapproved gravel lots. The ordinances are not and probably should not be enforced, he said.
‘This is a much bigger issue than I thought it would be,? he said. ‘We need to update and create ordinances that encourage pedestrian use and bicycle use. This is a great place to start.?
This is a good time to address these issues, especially with the work to be done rewriting the city Master Plan, he said.

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