Recess before lunch keeps kids ‘focused’

Recess always seems to be the part of the school day kids enjoy most. Now, students at Clear Lake Elementary won’t have to wait so long for that oh so treasured time of day.
Sue Hannant, principal at Clear Lake, decided to change the school day around a little bit this year, allowing students to attend recess before lunch.
The change, according to Hannant, is healthier for the children and makes them calmer in the afternoons.
‘What I’ve noticed is that the kids are more relaxed,? she said. ‘There’s research out there with the State Board of Education…saying it’s healthy for kids to go out for recess before they eat because they eat better and focus better in the afternoon.?
The State Board of Education’s website does state in their Wellness Policy that ‘School districts shall ensure…recess for elementary schools is scheduled before lunch so that children will come to lunch less distracted and ready to eat.?
‘I thought it was an opportunity to try it out and see how it works,? Hannant said.
So far, things have been great, but the principal said the school’s still working on getting kids in the routine of washing or sanitizing their hands properly when they come in from the playground to eat.
Hannant said they are giving the children an option of washing their hands in the portable sink or using a santizing gel before entering the cafeteria.
The only other schools in the district that sends students to recess before lunch is Lakeville Elementary.

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