Enterprising lad turns veggies into cash crop

Almost every day Michael Kamm sits at the end of his driveway on Granger Rd. behind the quaint little vegetable stand he and his dad made.
Every so often, someone in a car stops and peruses through the various fresh vegetables the nine-year-old has grown.
But lately, business has been booming.
Because of the Seymour Lake Rd. detour down Granger, Kamm has been seeing a lot more customers.
Customers can choose from his organic red or green tomatoes, peppers, beans, yellow squash, yellow banana peppers, basil, cucumbers, purple or white eggplant and some pretty hefty zuchinni.
The best part is none of the vegetables are priced over $2.
Kamm even has a partner for his two-year-old business venture.
His neighbor, who’s a farmer, gives Kamm vegetables to sell from his garden and receives 50 percent profit from his particular veggies.
So far, Kamm has been able to purchase a tree stand and deer feeder for hunting and a BMX bicycle, among other things, with his vegetable stand profits.
Kamm said he learned how to garden from his grandpa and just loves to be in the garden, ‘He’d just rather be outside all the time,? said his mother Patty.
So the next time you’re driving down Granger Rd., be sure to look for Kamm’s fresh veggie stand. If he’s not there, take what veggies you want and leave money in his ‘honesty box.?

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