‘Live, outdoor music’permitted

Several Waterford Road residents were unhappy May 16 when the Independence Township Board of Trustees voted 4-1 to allow live, outdoor music at the Waterford Hill Racing Track.
Township Treasurer Jim Wenger was the only dissenting vote. Clerk Shelagh VanderVeen and Trustee Charles Dunn were absent.
Waterford Hill Racing requested to add the musical entertainment on May 27 for the American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s, Metro Detroit section, fund-raiser. The music would begin at 11 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. A maximum of 300 tickets are being sold, and the venue will not allow alcohol.
According to a Waterford Hill Racing representative, Karen Ludden, ‘The music is actually quieter than the event itself.
‘This is a small enterprise to give flavor to the race. It is within the ordinance and does not conflict with the consent judgement,? she added.
However, residents living around the race track disagreed, and do not feel the consent judgement regarding the track is being enforced.
‘Every weekend all weekend long they are out there. It starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 9 or 10 at night,? said Waterford Road resident Allen Whitefield. ‘The last hour of racing is horrendous?
‘We as residents should not have to pay an attorney to enforce what should already be enforced.?
‘Every area around that race track can hear everything,? added Janet Whitefield. ‘That’s why we have a problem, because they are not being held to the consent judgement in the first place.?
‘I personally don’t think we should add music to it,? concurred Wenger. ‘We’re adding another variance the neighbors don’t really want to have. We’re starting something new that could grow.
‘Besides, can you guarantee what direction the wind will blow that day??
However, Trustees Dan Travis and Larry Rosso spoke in favor of giving the music venue a chance.
‘I’m in agreeance to allow for the trial,? said Rosso. ‘I’m going to give her a chance for this year.?
Supervisor Dave Wagner said he contacted Lt. Dale Labair of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, Independence Twp. Substation regarding the noise and plans to hold a meeting with residents and the race track’s owners in the near future.

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