Tri-party agreement approved for graveling

Riding home on some secondary roads in Independence Township will soon become a lot smoother thanks to the township board of trustees.
At the April 4 meeting, the board voted unanimously to again enter into a tri-party funding agreement with Oakland County and the Road Commission for Oakland County to have 8.65 miles of secondary roads graveled.
The total cost to Independence Township for the work is $55,360.
Those roads listed for graveling include:
? Foster Road, southwest of Dixie to township line
? S. Eston Road, Clintonville to Clarkston
? Perry Lake Road, north of Cranberry Lake Road
? Hadley Road, M-15 to Oak Hill
? Shappie Road, Hadley to Perry Lake roads
? Whipple Lake Road, Pine Knob to North Eston
? Dartmouth Road, Whipple Lake to Oak Hill.
According to Deputy Supervisor Chuck Herring, the agreement is a yearly item with few changes.
Township trustees also voted unanimously at the meeting to hire Road Maintenance Corporation to chloride all secondary roads in the township. The approved cost is 30 cents per foot not to exceed $50,000. Four applications are budgeted.
Herring said the other bid came from the RCOC at 26 cents per foot including one additional free application. He said several township trustees spoke in favor of Road Maintenance because of past experiences.
‘They have been very pleased with the company and thought the quality was worth the little extra money,? said Herring.
The township does reimburse residents on private roads for dust control at half their cost for up to four applications, with statements presented by homeowners a the end of the season. Those residents can also contact Road Maintenance to have the work done.
For more information, or to find out if you are on a private or secondary road, please call Independence Township at 248-625-5111.

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