It’s not ‘taxation without representation?

This week The Clarkston News is continuing with part two of our survey results.
We asked readers their opinions on various aspects of the Clarkston School District and the upcoming millage ballot.
Last week, The News reviewed general opinions on the schools, reported whether responders felt administrators and teachers were paid fairly and viewpoints on the district’s 10-year, 19.2491 non-homestead millage.
This week, The News focuses on the non-homestead aspect of the survey ? whether or not responders own non-homestead property and their views on non-homestead millages.

Got land?
The majority of responders, 38 of 52, said they do not own non-homestead property. Non-homestead property is defined as commercial and industrial properties, rental properties, second homes and vacation homes.
Of the remaining 14 responders, 13 own non-homestead property and one did not respond to the question. Some of the property types listed include vacation property, vacant land, second homes and one individual said ‘all of the above.?
One individual who does not own non-homestead property wrote, ‘but the price of MY purchases pay their taxes.?

Taxation without representation
When asked if the non-homestead millage is ‘taxation without representation,? 27 responders said ‘no,? 19 said ‘yes? and four did not respond. Two responders said the tax is both representative and non-representative.
‘Yes and no because although vastly outnumbered, non-homestead owners residing in the district are at least able to vote. Non-resident owners of non-homestead have no say in the taxes they have to pay. The presumption by many voters is that businesses are able to absorb higher tax costs at a time when many small and large companies are having financial difficulties due to the slow economy.?
Several responders appeared to not understand the question.
The term ‘taxation without representation? is often applied to non-homestead millages since non-homestead property owners do not necessarily live where they own the property.
For example, those who do not live within the Clarkston School district, but do own non-homestead property there, do not vote on the district issues. Those non-resident property owners do not vote on school board members or school millages.
‘No ? people voted in 1994.?
‘School board members are voted into office. They set the millage rate.?
‘Of course. However, that is what the majority of voters agreed upon when Proposal A was approved.?
‘No! Your are represented through the officials in your community.?

Another side
The surveys showed that 23 respondents, who do not own non-homestead property, do not think the non-homestead millage is ‘taxation without representation.?
Of those remaining: 11 who do not own non-homestead property feel the millage is ‘taxation without representation,? 8 who do own non-homestead property also feel the tax is so and 4 who own non-homestead property feel it is not. Six surveys were listed as providing no response if they did not answer one question or the other definitively.

A final review
After looking through all 52 surveys, a majority of the respondents who support the Clarkston Schools millage do not own non-homestead property. Twenty-three individuals fell into this category.
However, the remaining responses were fairly mixed:
? 12 responders do not own non-homestead property and do not support the millage.
? 8 do own non-homestead property and do not support the millage.
? 3 do own non-homestead property and do support the millage.
Six surveys were counted as not responding due to the respondent either not answer either question or not providing a definitive answer to either question.

What we learned?
The Clarkston News found the 52 surveys to be highly informative. We discovered information our readers did not know and wanted, as well as learned their opinions on several topics.
The final question we asked our readers was if they have any question for the Clarkston School district. We are compiling those questions and will be forwarding them to district officials.
Please look in future issues of The Clarkston News for responses.

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