Still no board action on senior center ballot issues

The plodding pace to create ballot language for an August senior center bond issue and millage is frustrating some members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.
At the March 7 regular meeting of the Independence Township Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee Chair David Lohmeier voiced that frustration.
‘We on the commission are worried about the timing ? we’d hope to come before the board at this time with a proposal, but the information wasn’t available,? said Lohmeier.
Lohmeier detailed several lacking pieces of information needed before making a formal proposal:
? The official construction costs for the new senior center.
? The language for both the bond and millage proposals.
? Whether or not the new senior center will include a gymnasium.
? With what name to reference the project and new senior center.
As stated in the March 8 edition of The Clarkston News, township officials and advisory committee members did receive copies of proposed ballot language late on March 6. Copies of the language were also available at the March 7 meeting.
However, Lohmeier emphasized during the meeting that the advisory committee did not have time to review the documents.
The proposed language for the bond issue is calling for a $3 million project. At this time, the language does not include a set number of years the bond can be outstanding or the authorized millage amount to pay back the debt.
A four-year, 0.5 mill is listed in the proposed language for the senior operational millage. This millage would create a new tax in the township.
The language proposed in both instances makes reference to senior use, but includes language for recreational and community purposes.
‘Speaking for myself at this point, I’m a little concerned about the millage proposition,? said Lohmeier. ‘First on the half mill, I think we’ll be way below that. Also, the language needs to be very specific to the senior center, not to parks and recreation.
‘We need more than enough to do the job, but no so much that we overshoot. I want to caution us at building too much into this proposal.?
Trustee Dan Travis agreed to keeping the bond issue and millage proposal for senior center use only.
‘I’m glad to see this language finally,? said Travis. ‘I know the timing is short and hypercritical.?
Supervisor Dave Wagner said the township’s bond attorney advised against making the scope of the bond issue and millage too narrow. Both he and Treasurer Jim Wenger voiced concerns about creating a fund balance (savings fund of unused revenue) with the senior millage, while funding for parks and recreation continues to be cut.
‘There’s no wiggle room right now in parks and recreation. I would hate to see money sitting there in a fund balance for the senior center while parks and rec is struggling,? said Wenger. ‘It’s a fine balancing line.?
On March 7, Lohmeier requested for the information on the senior center’s building construction be provided as soon as possible. He told board members having that information in a line item format is important for public presentation.
A three-page schematic of the proposed senior center was distributed during the board meeting. The schematic is based on a design presented by Wagner in January.
However, no specific costs for the design were available at press time. When asked, Wagner reiterated an overall price of $3 million.
Independence Township has until 70 days before the August election to submit ballot language. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee hopes to return to the board with a recommendation this month.
The group is also planning an information gathering trip to the Rochester Senior Center this month.

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