Baldwin/Jordan site earns PUD status

A development that will include a restaurant, bank and retail center at the northeast corner of Baldwin and Jordan Roads has earned status as a Planned Unit Development.
In order to be considered a PUD, developers must provide substantial benefits to the public.
The Orion Township Planning Commission recommended approval for PUD status, siting a boulevard improvement on Baldwin, paving of two lanes on Jordan, and just over two acres of dedicated open space on the northern end of the property among the benefits to the township.
The township board agreed, granting approval of the concept plan and PUD at the Nov. 21 meeting.
They also voted to approve a rezoning from Single Family Residential to General Business-I on western 10.59 acres, and to Office Mixed Use on the eastern 5.74 acres.
DJR Investment Group, developers of the site, plan to design a boulevard system on Baldwin Road.
David Goldberg of DJR told the board that the investment group could possibly put in some type of signal to alert drivers to that situation.
‘They are proposing to put in those road improvements,? said trustee John Steimel, also a member of the planning commission. ‘It’s something we don’t always get, but we hope for.?
The development will also have features of both the Baldwin Commons development, on Baldwin near Brown Road, and the Gingellville Village Center, tying the two areas of development together.

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