Historical Society holds 2nd annual antique sale

The Clarkston Historical Society is once again including an antique sale in the Art in the Village Festival on Sept. 17 and 18.
This is the second year for the sale. Last year, the Historical Society raised $2,500. This year, organizers would like to reach $3,000.
‘It went really well last year,? said Tony Smith with the Historical Society. ‘We are hoping to make it even better this year.?
The Historical Society has collected donations all year and already has several great items available for sale; however, Smith emphasized there is always room for more.
‘We’re not looking for anyone to donate their grandmother’s Tiffany lamp or anything,? Smith said, ‘but for us even the small donations matter. Every $10 adds up.?
Smith provided these guidelines for donations:
? Items from the 1950s or earlier are preferable. Early collectibles are okay.
? Must be in sellable condition. Please, nothing requiring extensive repair.
? Typically items medium to small in size. Preferably no large pieces of furniture, such as a sofa.
? Anyone uncertain about an item can call ahead and the Historical Society will inspect the donation.
Some examples of items already available for the sale are: old advertising print pieces, paintings, china, silver, old farm implements, old sewing pieces (lace, trims, etc.), books and even an original Barbie doll case.
‘We are having James and Gini Schultz (owners of the Clarkston Country Store and Antiques) do the appraising for us,? said Smith. ‘They will set the prices on items for the sale.?
All proceeds from the antique sale are used by the Historical Society to purchase Clarkston artifacts for the Clarkston Heritage Museum collection.
‘This sale goes strictly into the collection budget,? said Smith. ‘It’s really great because we get non-Clarkston items donated and then the money is used to purchase Clarkston historical treasures.?
Anyone wishing to donate an item to the antique sale can do so at the Clarkston Heritage Museum located in the Independence Township Library on Sept. 14 from 1-7 p.m. Items can also be brought to the Clarkston Village offices beside Depot Park on Sept. 15 from 1-6 p.m.
The Clarkston Historical Society is a 501 C3 charity and all donations are tax deductible. The organization will provide anyone making a donation with an appraisal receipt.
For more information, please call either the Historical Society at 248-922-0270 or the Clarkston Country Store at 248-625-3122.

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