Clarkston youth honored by Crossing Foundation

17 -year-old Chase Hulderman, of Clarkston, has always been home schooled.
Recently, his hard work and aspirations were not only recognized by his family, but by the Crossing Foundation in Washington D.C.
Hulderman is the winner of the 2005 Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship. This privilege entitles Hulderman to a $1,000 scholarship. As the only recipient from Michigan, Hulderman was thrilled.
‘I was shocked when I heard I won,? said Hulderman. ‘I really wasn’t expecting much.?
The Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship is given annually to high school seniors considering a career in public service.
Hulderman’s experience is extensive, including an internship in 2004 for the House Republican Communications Services Office in Lansing. He is also active in the Student Statesmanship Institute and is currently a part-time legislative aide for State Representative Fulton Sheen.
‘Working with these professionals has been very maturing,? said Hulderman.
‘I am surrounded by some of the smartest, most articulate and creative individuals in this state,? said Hulderman. ‘I am continually presented with the profound opportunity for improvement.?
Hulderman, along with 19 other worldwide winners, attended an awards ceremony in Pennsylvania at the end of April.
When Hulderman is not working, he enjoys playing soccer, basketball and baseball. He coached a youth soccer team for two years; worked with an inner-city Pontiac program, Providence Youth Outreach; is active in church groups and theater productions; and volunteered at Camp Barakel in Fairview Michigan.
Hulderman resides in Clarkston with his mother Valerie and father Jeffrey.
‘Chase is a wonderful young man,? said mother Valerie. ‘We are so proud of him.?

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