Lake Orion no problem for skiers

The Wolves boys and girls ski teams had a little more trouble with Lake Orion on Feb. 1 and 2 than normal. However Clarkston persevered and both teams now stand at 9-0 on the season.
The girls team faced an undefeated Lake Orion squad; however, the Wolves came out of the action with an unblemished record.
In the slalom, Mo Weiland (first), Trisha Peters (third) and Erica Halsey (fifth) helped the Wolves to a 15-21 victory. The next day, Peters supplanted her teammate, Weiland, finishing first in the giant slalom. Weiland finished in second place by five tenths of a second.
‘Peters really stepped up her game. She’s been skiing really well,? said Clarkston Coach Bruce Rosengren.
Jen Stanton placed in fourth as Clarkston triumphed 13-23 in the giant slalom and 28-44 for the meet.
On the boys side, Clarkston’s top skiers in the slalom, Alex Rosengren and Bryan Cicinelli, had some problems with the course forcing a closer race than normal.
‘After those two guys went down, we kind of put up the red light,? said Rosengren. ‘All four of the other guys stepped up for us.?
Kevin Vahlbusch, Eric Weiland and Jeff Haladik finished second, third and fourth to preserve a 16-20 victory in the slalom. The next day, Rosengren finished first and Cicinelli came in fourth. Vahlbusch (second) and Weiland (third) continued to ski strong in the giant slalom as the Wolves carried the event 10-28 and the match 26-48.
Clarkston divisional meet originally scheduled to start on Feb. 8 was pushed back to Feb. 9 and 10 due to rain.

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