Independence Township approves three percent raises

The Independence Township board of trustees voted unanimously for just shy of three percent raises for non-union salary employees.
‘I find these are within range with others,? said Treasurer Dave Wenger. ‘I don’t vote for this lightly, but we’ve planned for it and expect it.?
‘All of these have been budgeted for.?
With the increases, the supervisor’s salary goes from $70,900 to $73,027; and both the treasurer and clerk’s salaries go from $63,300 to $65,199. There are 20 non-union employees total within the township receiving the almost three percent raise.
In addition, township trustees? yearly salary increased from $4,455 to $4,588, and they will now receive $100 for each special meeting.
Supervisor Dave Wagner also recommended to increase the pay for the zoning board of appeals and the planning commission.
‘At this time I would also like to increase the pay for the zoning board of appeals and planning commission as it has been years since the last increase,? wrote Wagner in a memo to board members.
Both boards pay would increase from $50 per meeting to $75 with the chairperson going to $95.
In other business:
? The township board reappointed Hank Hogan and Terry Haran to the township board of review and Susan Angular was appointed for a two-year term ending Dec. 31, 2006.
? The parks and recreation department received permission to purchase a new passenger van to replace a 1993 van.
The van is currently ‘parked? according to Parks and Recreation Director Mike Turk since it ‘has become a maintenance burden and is a safety concern.?
The van has 94,000 miles, a rusted body and driver’s door with two bad hinges. In addition, the exhaust system needs replacing and the vehicle has no heat or air conditioning.
The board approved the purchase of a van from Simms Chevrolet for $23,540.
? The Independence Township Senior Center received approval to apply for its annual specialized services grant, which supports transportation services to elderly persons and persons with disabilities.
The senior center is scheduled to receive $23,851.
Also, the center received the go ahead to apply for a new vehicle under Section 5310 of the grant.

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