Synthetic turf just the tip of the iceberg

While the featured item of the master facilities plan is the addition of synthetic turf to the CHS football stadium, the plan has many other facets which the board approved and looked over on Jan. 10.
The master facilities plan is divided into two parts: phase I and phase II. The Clarkston Community School Board approved most of phase I at the Jan. 10 meeting.
Phase I includes $300,000 for the installation of toilets at the CHS baseball/softball fields; $50,000 laid out for the construction of a staircase/entryway in the CHS gym; $50,000 at both CJHS and SMS for site work and improvements to the game fields; and $800,000 for a synthetic turf field at CHS.
All of the money for these projects is coming out of the 2003 bond. Unlike the other items, the synthetic turf field was not originally part of the bond, but was alluded to in the 2003 bond.
‘In the bond application process we did have field renovation included. So (the synthetic turf field) is not a problem from the legal/moral high ground,? said Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts.
Phase I also includes an additional $5,000 for maintenance at CJHS which will come from the 2006 general fund.
One item of phase I, $10,000 to relocate the football stadium ticket booth, was left out of the school board’s vote because it can easily be integrated into projects of phase II.
Phase II calls for $50,000 for added practice fields at CHS; $100,000 for game fields at SMS; $299,000 for parking lot improvements; $200,000 to relocate the concession stand, which the ticket booth would be a part of; $50,000 for team room renovations; and $800,000 for another synthetic turf field.
According to the packet submitted to the board, phase II would be paid for by either a future bond, sinking fund or other means of teaming with the community.
‘We had not thought this far ahead as far as the needs of the community,? said Assistant Superintendent Dave Reschke, in regard to why some of the items in phase II were not part of the 2003 bond.
A bid is expected to be announced and confirmed by the school board in regard to the synthetic turf at CHS at the Feb. 14 meeting.

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