Candle blamed for township house fire

A home in the 11000 block of Rattalee Lake Road suffered extensive heat and smoke damage in a Dec. 11 fire. The Springfield Township family lost a cat and gerbils in the incident.
According to Oakland County Sheriff reports, the homeowner said the family left the home at about 5:30 p.m. Upon their return around 7:30 p.m., they found smoke coming from the garage.
The homeowner entered the home and found flames near the front door, reports said. He used a fire extinguisher to put out most of the flames, and the Springfield Township Fire Department did the rest.
While damage from flames was not extensive, heat and smoke radiated throughout the home and blew out two windows, according to Fire Chief Charlie Oaks.
‘It melted every piece of plastic in the place,? he said, and accounted for the death of the family pets.
The fire appeared to begin in the living room, with a lit candle believed to be the cause, Oaks said.
A preliminary estimate of the damage is between $100,000 and $125,000, Oaks said.
‘Everyone should use extreme caution with candles during the holiday season,? the chief said.

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