La Petite Gallery brings a taste of art to Clarkston

Sometimes the best things come in the smallest packages, as can be seen in Clarkston’s newest establishment, La Petite Gallery.
La Petite Gallery, located on Main St. in the same building as Tierra’s Fine Jewelers, is a premier showing spot for Clarkston and surrounding community artists. Begun in spring 2004 by Director Terry Tracy, the once small art display has grown by leaps and bounds.
‘I’m an artist, so I had been bugging the owner to let me display work here for some time,? explained Tracy. ‘It started as just this one room where I showed my own work. That’s where the name came from, with the one room and all.?
This past August, La Petite Gallery expanded into two additional rooms and now features around 75 pieces by 10 painters and two sculptors.
‘It’s given artists an opportunity to show their work,? said Tracy.
‘The neatest part though is the response from the community,? she added. ‘I’m just really excited by the overall response I’ve gotten.?
La Petite Gallery always has something new to see, especially with the artists changing almost monthly and their works rotating regularly.
‘The artists rent the space and I really stress to them that this is their gallery, their show,? said Tracy. ‘They can arrange to hold a special showing here or change the pieces on display. It’s all up to them.
‘I’m really doing this for the artists, not just to sell a painting for profit,? Tracy emphasized. ‘Selling is great, but you can’t sell a piece if people don’t see your work. I always tell artists it only takes that one person to come in and see that one piece.?
La Petite Gallery is holding an Open House on Dec. 3-4. The show will be open from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday. The featured artists on display will be available throughout the weekend.
The gallery is open for regular business hours from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays; 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sundays.
‘I think the residents will be pleasantly surprised to find the artistic talent in this community. There’s something here fore everybody,? said Tracy.
‘It’s been kind of a blessing to me to get to meet other artists in the area,? Tracy later added. ‘You get together and you get that artistic energy flowing. This is what’s been a true blessing for me.?
For more information on La Petite Gallery or on the December Open House, please call Terry Tracy at 248-625-2511.

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