District judge brings court to classroom at CHS

Students at Clarkston High School received a taste of reality from Judge Dana Fortinberry on Oct. 20. The 52-2 Circuit Court judge brought her regular courtroom to the school’s auditorium.
‘I enjoy this program – it gets me out into the community,? said Judge Fortinberry. ‘I like working with young people. I think it’s important for them to see there are consequences for their behavior.?
Court in School was pioneered by Judge Michael Martone in Troy. He wanted to focus on a program that would show students how to make courageous decisions.
Judge Fortinberry said she learned of the program from Judge Martone, and then approached Clarkston High School with the concept.
‘I spoke with John Zittel about this,? she explained. ‘He’s really forward thinking about the way he teaches.?
Zittel, who teaches law to eleventh and twelfth graders, jumped at the idea.
‘We teach them about the law in class, but it’s great for them to see it take place for real,? he said, emphasizing that the students are then able to learn by seeing and doing.
‘This is great because they can see it in a real life setting.
This is the second time the program has come to CHS. The first time was back in February. Approximately 1,400 students attended court this session. Zittel said he invited all the social studies classes as well as all freshman classes.
Judge Fortinberry said she holds ‘actual court hearings.? The cases for the day are across the board, although the judge tries to ‘focus on cases that teens can relate to.? During the Oct. 20 session, Judge Fortinberry heard 18 cases including minor in possession, drunk driving, retail fraud, possession of marijuana and assault and battery. The court is closed with a question and answer period with the students.
After their ‘day in court,? Zittel said the law classes review what they learn.
‘The most important thing is that they realize there are consequences for their actions,? he added.
Both Judge Fortinberry and Zittel said they hope to see the program expand.
‘I’m just thrilled that Principal Jan Meagher and Mr. Zittel asked me to be here,? Judge Fortinberry stated.

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