Curves offers ‘Helping Hands? to pregnancy center

The staff and members of Curves of Oxford have decided to share their blessings of good health and prosperity with those around them through their first ever Helping Hands Program.
The program began this past July, with Curves staff and members selecting their neighbor, The Problem Pregnancy Center of Oxford, as their first beneficiary.
‘Why go way outside when you have somebody next door you can help,? explained Suzanne Ardelan, owner of Curves. ‘You stay close to home! This is something right here, something visual the participants can grab a hold of.?
After being inspired by the summer’s cool temperatures, the staff decided to hold a ‘Christmas in July? donation drive for the center. Curves members were asked to ‘take a helping hand? decoration from the Christmas tree in the workout room and bring in the item listed on the back.
Members could also donate the money for the item or ‘all donate? to buy one large item. Some of the many items collected included diapers, diaper wipes, Infamil powdered formula with iron, cribs, high chairs and car seats.
‘We collected much more money than we ever hoped and were able to go out and purchase four car seats,? said an excited Ardelan.
After a month of collection, the members of Curves donated 1,418 diapers, 344 ounces of formula, 2,906 diaper wipes, a total of five car seats and numerous odds and ends – including baby food!
‘We’d especially like to thank J&T Electric and the Wolverine Wheel Company for the additional money towards the car seats,? added Ardelan.
‘All of us at Curves are proud of this achievement and look forward to helping others in the near future.?
The next Helping Hands Program fund-raiser will be a quilt raffle on October 15. All of the funds from the raffle will go to the Belle Isle 5 Mile Walk for Breast Cancer, being held on October 16.
The featured quilt is being made and donated by the mother of Curves member Robin Tailford, herself a breast cancer survivor. For more information on the raffle, please contact Ardelan at 248-628-4080.

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