Two new, two old win trustee seats in Addison

The August 3 Addison Township primaries saw a very low voter turnout ? a result seen as ‘not good? by some of the township’s officials, especially since many of Addison’s elected positions were decided with this election.
Of the 4,583 registered voters in Addison, 907 cast ballots, amounting to only 19.79 percent of those registered. Of the 907 ballots cast, 312 were absentee ballots (there were 353 sent out), 794 were Republican, 89 were Democratic and 24 were nonpartisan.
The only contested race in the primary was for the four open seats on the township board of trustees. The primary selected the four individuals who will run again in November against Independent candidate Russell Astrino.
Receiving the most votes was incumbent John Sutphin with 465, or 19.29 percent of the Republican vote.
‘It’s humbling,? said Sutphin after the results were released. ‘I’m grateful of the people’s trust. I’m very grateful for the people’s belief in me, my judgement and my ability to do my best for the township.?
Placing in the other three positions were Claudia VonDrak with 413, Christine Sypitkowski with 387 and Ed Brakefield with 377. Coming in fifth place was Harold Klein with 325, Deanna Burns with 248 and Phil Stackpoole with 196.
‘I’m elated, I have learned so much about the township as a result of working this campaign,? said VonDrak.
None of the primary election winners plan on changing their campaign strategies anytime in the near future.
?(My campaign) is going to stay the way it always been,? said Sypitkowski, ‘that’s who I am and what I believe in and stand for. Keeping it rural is what’s important.?
‘Nothing is going to change,? confirmed Brakefield. ‘I’ve made promises that I’m going to uphold and fulfill. In November, it will be no different than now.?
The supervisor, clerk and treasurer positions were all unopposed for the primaries. Among the 794 republican voters, Bob Koski received 619 votes for supervisor, Bennett received 665 for clerk and Dan Alberty received 649 for treasurer. In the November elections, two Independent candidates will be entering the race: Sereal Gravlin will be campaigning for supervisor and Chris Newby will be running for treasurer.
‘The election process went smoothly,? said Clerk Bennett. ‘We have a very experience crew here and they handled everything perfectly.?
Officials working the Addison Township elections ran into very, very few difficulties, in fact, Bennett commented that this was her first election where a ballot was not seriously jammed in one of the machines.
‘I haven’t had to get my repair kit out at all,? she joked.

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