Oxford man’s Dodge is national champ

Men love cars.
That fact is indisputable.
But there is one thing that men love even more than cars ? and that’s winning.
Oxford resident John Robert Pasike, 55, was able to combine these two loves at the Carlisle All-Chrysler Nationals (July 9-11) when his 1970 Dodge Challenger won First Place in its class and a Celebrity Car Pick Award.
Pasike was one of more than 42,000 enthusiasts who attended the event in Carlisle Fairgrounds, Penn, and was selected for recognition from among 50 cars in the stock 1970 Challenger division and from more than 2,000 cars in the overall competition.
‘I was excited when I found out I was selected,? Pasike stated. ‘I was so surprised.?
Pasike, who is an electronic technician for Daimler Chrysler, purchased the big-block Challenger in 2001 through an inter-office internet ad. He tore the car ‘all the way down to nothing in it? and had a shop strip the paint job. The Oxford resident then spent the next two and a half years restoring his ‘dream machine? with as many original parts as possible.
Pasike said the only step he didn’t do himself was the paint job. He decided though to maintain the original color and style.
‘I just wanted a muscle car to drive and look cool,? explained Pasike. ‘It was a dream car I couldn’t afford at that time.?
‘I wanted to do it as it would have been bought in 1970,? he later added. ‘If you would have walked in the showroom then, you would have seen this car.?
The Carlisle Event was the first competition Pasike had ever entered, and he never expected the results he received.
‘Nope not at all,? he agreed. ‘I was just hoping it would show well against the other cars. To me it was a great feeling to win because I saw so many other nice cars out there that were just as well done.?
‘Making a selection form this massive show field was a difficult job,? said Lisa Leathery, Carlisle Events? director of event planning and management in a press release. ‘There were so many excellent Mopar models to choose from, so the owners of the vehicles selected to receive an award can be very proud.?
Now that Pasike has seen exactly what his muscle car can do, he said he’s not sure how many more shows he will enter.
‘I’m going to a Mopar in Columbus in about three weeks,? he stated. ‘It’s sponsored by Mopar Nationals. We’ll see what happens there and see if its worth it. It takes a lot of time to show a car, plus you can’t drive them to the show.
‘I really bought the car to drive. I didn’t buy it as a show car.?
But Pasike said he definitely has a taste for the work he did on the Challenger. The ‘handy man? has already purchased his second oldie, a 1969 Dart Convertible, and has already begun the restoration process.
‘I enjoy doing it. I couldn’t afford these kinds of cars at my age then with insurance and everything. They were expensive,? remembers Pasike. ‘It is costly to restore them, but now I can do it.?
Carlisle Events was founded in 1974 by friends Bill Miller and Chip Miller. The ‘Cars at Carlisle? shows have attracted automotive enthusiasts from around the world.

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