United Methodists welcome new pastor

The Oxford United Methodist Church family is welcoming a new member – Reverend Kenneth B. Ray was installed on June 27 as the congregation’s new leader.
‘We’re looking forward to this,? said Rev. Ray. ‘The area is very nice here. It’s a growth area, which is a great opportunity for the church.?
Ray, 57, is replacing Rev. Dr. Joseph Baunoch, who retired from the itinerary ministry and is now living in Fraser. The announcement of Rev. Ray’s appointment was made by Bishop Linda Lee of the Michigan area in May.
Rev. Ray holds a bachelor’s of arts degree in history from Western Michigan University and a master’s of art degree in divinity from Anderson University. He has done post-graduate work at Asbury, United and Nashville Theological Centers.
In 1977, Ray moved from schooling into the church full-time. He went through ordination in 1978 and joined the military as a Navy chaplain the following year. He spent six years in service for the country and rose to the rank of Lt. Commander in the Naval Chaplain Core.
After his military service, Rev. Ray ministered in several Michigan church communities including North Street (located just north of Port Huron), Cass City, Roseville, Alpina and most recently Waterford.
‘I was on temporary assignment in Waterford for just a year,? explained Ray. ‘That particular church needed my skills as a conflict mediator. That was an interim assignment for me.?
‘I’m looking forward to getting back into what I do, which is ministering to a church,? he added. ‘It’s more fun to pastor. I like to pastor.?
Armed with trunks full of puppets and plenty of mementos from his other church homes, Rev. Ray is ready to begin getting to know his new congregation; however, the pastor admits that really is the most difficult part of his job.
‘It really takes people about a year to get to know you. I’m going to be doing some rotational visits to assist this — basically, I do house calls,? he laughed.
Ray moved to Oxford this past week with his wife Diane, a special education teacher. The couple have four girls – Amy, Rachel, Bethany and Laura – and two grandchildren – Sarah and Liam.
Outside of the church, Ray said he enjoys traveling and sailboating. In the past couple of years, he and his wife have traveled to Alaska and Rome, and they plan on visiting Yellow Stone National Park in the upcoming year. The pastor joked that his favorite types of trips are those that combine traveling with sailboating.
When asked if there is one thing he wants everyone to know about him, Rev. Ray had one simple answer: ‘I’m extremely grateful for the grace of God in my life and I would like others to experience that joy.?

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